Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Another Seizure Night

Rob and I just got back from SFVS. Violet started seizing tonight right before I started to feed her. She had such a great night and was even running around while I was getting her food ready. This seizure, although not as severe, seemed to last forever. I had to give her the three syringes of liquid Valium, so I we to go to SFVS to get more in case she seizes again during the night. Doesn't seem like the increase of Phenobarbital and the addition of Potassium Bromide is working. Dr. Owyang said we might have to do a "loading dose" of the Potassium Bromide, which means she will go back to being really drunk for a while. My biggest fear is that all this is for nothing, and that the end is near. I just hope she can get through tonight without seizing again.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Seizures Return

Last night, poor Violet had three seizures. The first was at 12 am, the next at 4:20, and another at 6:30. Each of them were short; less than 20 seconds. I didn't even have time to give her any Valium. She saw Dr. Owyang today, who loves Violet and has kept her alive thus far. We're increasing her Phenobarital, and are going to start her on Potassium Bromide. I'm praying that we can get these under control. Her poor little body has gone through so much.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Crappy Day and Weather

Broken Table
Here’s another example of the damage that this last storm caused. I woke up to fine a piece of glass from my patio set shattered. It’s tempered, beige, and is a quarter circle with a beveled edge. I feel absolutely no confidence that I’m going to be able to replace this.

Our insurance company has been absolutely no help. They’ve determined that this was caused by “wind driven rain” which is not covered. Despite the fact that I have flood insurance, if the wind blows on it the claim is negated. I just want to know, when does it rain without the wind blowing? This is a scam if I’ve ever seen one. Almost as bad as the one that if your car gets stolen and found, they tow it to the city lot and you have to pay the towing fees to get it out. You’re in the same boat as the dumbass that hasn’t paid their parking tickets and gets their car towed.

Violet had what I think must have been a small seizure yesterday. She started chewing and foaming at the mouth. She seemed a little out of it afterwards also, so I’m pretty sure it was a seizure. I'll talk to the veterinarians tomorrow to see if we can increase the dosage again.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Big Storm Damage

Rob Fence
Really bad storm today. Wind gusts at over 100 mph. We had some damage of course. The leak in my kitchen reopened, as did a very old leak in the guest room that I was sure we remedied. Our back fence also blew apart. Thank God it is made of that vinyl stuff that your put together little a puzzle. Rob just popped it all back into place.

Violet had her blood taken on Wednesday and got the results yesterday. Her Phenobarbital levels are at toxic levels, so we have to reduce her dosage by half. I hope she won't start to seize again.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Less is More, and Faster!

944 on Ferrari I know I’ve really been neglecting content on the Porsche front. Today, we received in the mail some pictures from Rob and my Dad’s day at Laguna Seca December 7th. Here is Rob’s favorite picture. Notice he's glued to the ass of a $300K Ferrari. Not bad for an $8K purchase. Although I will say that Rob is a great driver, and there is no way that I could keep up with him, even if I had the Ferrari.

Hooked on Driving is having upcoming Laguna Seca track days, and there is still space available for beginning and advanced drivers. It’s not cheap (around $300) but less expensive than a speeding ticket, and you won’t risk killing anyone getting your thrills on. HOD is this awesome group that organizes track days and driver's education. They stress that it is Hooked on Driving, not Hooked on Racing. The idea is to learn what your car can do, and how to handle it. Very important to know how to control your car in a spin. Most people only get this opportunity when they're on the freeway in an emergency situation.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 60th Uncle Ken

Today, is not only New Year's 2008, but my Uncle Ken's Birthday. He is an extradinaory person, and has always been a very positive influence in my life from a very early age. He deserves the best in his golden years, and I'm so very proud of him. Happy Birthday Uncle Ken!