Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Another Seizure Night

Rob and I just got back from SFVS. Violet started seizing tonight right before I started to feed her. She had such a great night and was even running around while I was getting her food ready. This seizure, although not as severe, seemed to last forever. I had to give her the three syringes of liquid Valium, so I we to go to SFVS to get more in case she seizes again during the night. Doesn't seem like the increase of Phenobarbital and the addition of Potassium Bromide is working. Dr. Owyang said we might have to do a "loading dose" of the Potassium Bromide, which means she will go back to being really drunk for a while. My biggest fear is that all this is for nothing, and that the end is near. I just hope she can get through tonight without seizing again.

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