Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chimmy Reiki

Had to get a few boxes in the mail today. Thank the Postal Office Gods, I was in and out of the Bryant Street station in 10 minutes. Kudos to staff and management. Alison Lane, The SF/SPCA's excellent Foster Care Coordinator, came to my office and performed Reiki on Violet while I was running my errands. Alison is the heart of our Foster Program. She works with amazing volunteers who take animals that need TLC into their homes. They dote on them, love them, only to bring them back once their "healthy." Kitten season is winding down, but we'll start our foster care classes again in March. If there is one gift you could give yourself in the new year, it's fostering. We always need foster parents, and have a harder time finding them than people to adopt the animals. So if you can spare a few weeks out of the year, space on your digital camera, and a piece of your heart, become a foster parent.

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