Saturday, December 22, 2007

Mom's Home Cook'in

Rob and Dad went to Salinas today, so Rob could get some work done down there. My mom and I did some grocery shopping today, and she made lasagna. Nothing like having Mom home. It is such a relief to have them back, especially since Rob and I have been on 24-hour care taking duty for the past week. I wish I could convince them to move out here. There probably asking themselves, what's she going to do to us when we get old and feeble? Speaking of...

Violet seems to be getting stronger and stronger everyday, which is really helping everything. She able to pee and poop on her own, without having to be propped up. We have an appointment with Dr. Maretzki in a week at SFVS. Hopefully she'll remain seizure free and we can start to reduce the phenobarbital dosage.

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