Monday, December 24, 2007

My Own Christmas Story

My mother is a prankster, and she loves to get my dad's goat. Back in the mid 80's my father (a known audiophile) said all he wanted for Christmas was the Foreigner CD. He kept on and on about how good it would sound on CD. We have a tradition in our family that we get to open one present on Christmas Eve. My mother wrapped a large box (to look like a CD player,) and set it under the tree. Wrapped up the CD and gave it to him on Christmas Eve. He got so excited, he kept saying how he would have to wait until morning to set up his new CD player. I felt awful and wanted to tell my dad on Christmas Eve. My mother just laughed and laughed and said, no he would have to wait until morning to find out. The next morning after all the presents were opened, he looked very perplexed and then said, "Where's my CD player?" My mom said, "You only asked for a CD, not a CD player." He didn't get one until the following year either.

I got my dad and my husband each a Porsche calendar and a Porsche magazine. I was going to give them both the calendar tonight. Then mom said, "Give a magazine to Rob, and the calendar to your Dad." She's so bad! Although he didn't say anything you could see he had that "Where's mine?" look in his eyes. He's looking at Rob's magazine now.

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