Monday, December 17, 2007

Violet The Trooper

Violet is hanging in there and has not had another seizure. She's doing well, but requires constant care. She falls over when she's unsupported on the ground. It's really difficult to constantly keep her in my arms. Yesterday we were both a little depressed; to be honest I spend the whole weekend crying. Seeing her like this is not what I ever wanted and I promised her that I would not do anything horrible to her, because I can't let go. But I keep telling myself that this situation is temporary.

Violet and I decided that we were going to make the best of this and thought about what we needed to do. She needed a soft and safe place for her to hang out on her own. I decided to make a project out of creating a nice little space for her and all of a sudden the mood lifted. We went to Pet Food Express on Mission street and the guys there really took care of me. You could tell that they were moved by her little face and did everything they could to help us in the store. They called around trying to find the right harness for her to support her while she walks. We wound up with one that has a lot of padding on it, and also works as a seat belt harness. We got her some Greenies and chew sticks to keep her content while she's in her "crib". They also sold me a really cool small dog car seat that straps in. Although it takes a few minutes to attach, Violet is much safer riding in it, than sitting in my lap posing like Britney Spear's baby. Keep good thoughts out for the Chimmy!

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