Sunday, December 16, 2007

Poor Little Chimmy

Violet had a really bad seizure on Friday morning. It lasted about ninety-seconds and I thought she was dying; she lost control of her bladder and bowels. We took her to the vet hospital, where she spent the day under observation. She had another seizure later that afternoon. The cause is unknown, but without doing an MRI it's hard to pinpoint. And doing an MRI which requires sedation on a dog that is already such high risk is something I'm really not comfortable with.

The plan is now to control the seizures, which requires her being on phenobarbital. She's been on it now for a day, and she is really struggling. However, it is just temporary and Dr. Maretzki from SF Vet Specialists says that she will seem like she's drunk for about two weeks, and then they just wake up. I'm really counting on this because it's so hard to watch her. She can't walk without assistance, or get up. She's also very listless and doesn't seem like she can get comfortable, despite being so drugged up. Apparently her heart failure seems like it's being managed, so if we can control the seizures, she has a good prognosis. Scratch that, she has as good of a prognosis as she can have for a dog that was given three to six months to live, over two years ago. A special thank you also to Dr. April LeBlanc from SFVS, Dr. Jeanette Goh and Dr. Jack Aldridge from The SF/SPCA. These extremely capable doctor's have been Godsends to our family time and time again.

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