Saturday, December 1, 2007

Violet Not Feeling Well

Chimmy Not Feeling Well
Chimmy's feeling pretty crappy today. Although she's eating, she's coughing a lot, and the yelling at Haley for everything she does has greatly subsided. We're going to take it easy today, and keep her warm. She has so much spark and spirit, I sometimes forget how delicate she is.

We have a nice fire built for her (with those firelogs.) Not only do they burn cleaner than wood, living in the Sunset where the atmosphere is moist, the smoke doesn't escape out of the house very well. When we were burning wood fires, the dogs and I started having eye allergies. Another reason to go with firelogs over wood. My preference (for the radiant heat) Pine Mountain logs. We don't make fires very often, but today was a day to indulge Violet.

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