Friday, November 30, 2007

Beautiful Haley

Beautiful Haley, originally uploaded by kiskaicard.

Today is the last day of the month, and it’s the official end of November Blog month. Although this was started for my internet marketing class, I’ve learned so much that it inspires me to keep going. The internet activity for The SF/SPCA Holiday Windows is so strong that it comes up six organically on Google. That’s pretty significant when you think of how generic the term "Holiday Windows" is.

Here’s a picture of Haley tonight. I just realized that she doesn’t have a center stage photo posted. She does have supermodel potential.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

All I Want for Christmas is a Pe-ki-nese

Alix thought her days of being dressed in silly outfits, and propped up for pictures like some sort of light check card, we over. It's a tough life being so adorable.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ice Skating at The SF Zoo?

The San Francisco Zoo has an ice skating rink that's open through New Year's. I haven't checked it out yet (still have the weak ankle), but the prices are inexpensive and it all benefits the animals. They are supposed to have webcams going up, and I'll post the link when they're live.

The SF/SPCA Holiday Windows, are trucking right along with 65 adoptions so far. We have a new picture on our home page, that was donated by a fellow blogger, Lena.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Cutest Chimmy!

Violet never ceases to amaze me, or crack me up. And considering this dog was given 3 months to live, over two years ago, she really makes me appreciate each second she's here. At night, around feeding time she jumps up in the air and gets herself worked up into a lather. I have to then hurry around and feed her before her heart bursts.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Here's Alix!

Mommy Alix, originally uploaded by kiskaicard.

Well it's official. Gladys is now Alix and is not going to be a foster dog any longer. The weekend went splendidly at the Perfect Home Inn, and Alix is being given residency status there. Congratulations to the Rosenblat clan. The Peke-Pack is complete.

A big thanks to Jean Donaldson for finding and fostering this Perfect Peke. Alix certainly wasn't built to spend any time in a shelter.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

$8 Goes a Long Way

kiska cayman, originally uploaded by kiskaicard.

Yesterday we went to the San Francisco International Auto Show. Although I'm not in the market, I always enjoy seeing the new vehicles. If you are thinking of buying a new car, spend the entry fee and go to a car show. In SF the auto show runs through December 2nd. You'll have the opportunity to see and feel every new make and model, with zero sales pressure.

Porsche had a nice presence this year, and had many vehicles for people to sit in, versus previous years. This is a picture of me, sitting in a Cayman wearing the Carrera-Region PCA denim shirt my father gave me. I've posted some additional pictures of the Porsche's, and their new "Hybrid Drive System and engine, along with some non-Porsche car pics.

Gladys apparently has been just a dream and is going to stay at the Inn for the rest of the weekend. She's been getting along well with the other resident Pekes, and the Inn Keeper is already thinking of either Eva or Flora for her new name. The best sign of all that this is not just a visit.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Let it Snow, in El Paso

This is my parent's house in El Paso, Texas this morning. It's normally a huge dust bowl, and I guess today it's a huge frozen dust bowl. The downsides to El Paso are numerous, although it was just ranked second as the "Safest Big City in America". I guess when Mexico is that close why break American laws?

We're heading down to the SF International Car Show at Moscone Center. Since we'll be downtown, I want to stop by and see the windows. 51 cats have found homes so far in the first week of Macy's SF/SPCA Holiday Windows. That's a 25% increase from last year so far.

Pet Food Express sponsored a wonderful segment about the windows that ran on CBS 5 last night. They are truly a first class animal supply company and have quality gift items for your beloved furry friend. My favorite dog toys to give are the "Egg Babies". They are stuffed animals that hold "eggs" inside their stomachs. Dogs seem to get satisfaction in removing the eggs, and my lab doesn't rip them apart like she does other stuffed toys . You can even buy just a package of eggs; which contain 3 egg squeaky toys and retails for only four bucks!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Empty Gladys Nest

So Gladys is gone for at least an overnight, to The Perfect Home Inn. If she behaves herself, she's invited to stay the entire weekend. That little ingrate didn't even look back as she was loaded into the car and driven off.

Not like KitKat who has already run-away from home to dash two blocks away to our house, making her new parents feel like they're chopped liver. I've offered to take her back for a few days and mistreat her, but other than looking horrified they did not respond.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Dr. Lull's Famous Cat Sh*ts

Thanksgiving is obviously not about the obvious, despite what supermarkets spends millions to have you believe. As I was considering what I would contribute to our family feast, I thought not only about the recipes themselves, but also about the stories behind them. When someone asks for a recipe, more often then not, they often also want to know its history.

One of the most requested recipes I get asked for, is a tasty appetizer called"Cat Shits". They literally look like cat turds. It has a prep time of only 15 minutes, and since you freeze before serving, they are great to have in the freezer for unexpected guests and munchie attacks.

This recipe cam from Dr. Robert J. Lull, my father's nuclear medicine chief in the Army. Dr. Lull lived on the Presidio, as we did. He was one of the kindest gentlemen I've ever met and I relished the times when he asked me to care for his beloved cat "Marshmallow". Often at parties he would pull out of the oven, a hot tray of cat shits. They were always a big hit and he especially loved it when someone asked what these delicious appetizers were called. Although he is no longer with us, I think of him often and especially when I share the food that he loved to share. So here is one of my hero's, Dr. Lull's favorite recipes.

BTW, if you are vegan or vegetarian, stop reading this post now. (However I'm happy to post a vegetarian version if someone wants to comment.)

These ingredients are not for the faint of heart, or those with a heart condition.

Dr. Lull's Famous Cat Shits
  • 1 lb Ground Beef

  • 1 lb Hot Pork Sausage ("Tennessee Sausage" if you can find it)

  • 1 lb Velveeta Cheese, cubed

  • 2 Packages Small Rye Crackers

Brown beef and sausage in a skillet; drain and return to skillet.
Melt cubed Velveeta cheese in with meat.
On a baking sheet, layout rye bread squares. Spread a spoonful of mixture onto each piece of rye bread.
Freeze baking sheets for at least 4 hours (preferably overnight to get the bread nice and crunchy.)
30 minutes before serving, place the cat shits baking sheets in a preheated to 375 degrees, for approximately 20 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbling.

Makes approximately 50 appetizers.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Holiday Windows Fever

I've recently signed up for the Google alerts for Holiday Windows; so I could see other people’s impressions of it. We've also added another webcam so check it out!

I’ve been quite amazed at the response that these Windows get. Here’s a blog from someone on SFist who took some very beautiful pictures: And another slide show that starts with the most beautiful cat sleeping. There's also this really nice post from someone who says this event is one of their favorite Holiday Traditions. I’ve also found a really great posting that one of our alumni posted: an 8-year-old red tabby named Beezer. He was adopted the day before Thanksgiving and tells his story.

It's that time of year to remember why we’re so lucky. I know I’m lucky to be surrounded by such lovely animals (people too) in my life. Give your loved ones a squeeze or a big sloppy kiss!

Thanks to all the "bloggers" and photogs who help us tell our story.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Windows Webcams

We had a new webcam installed at the windows today. I think the images look much cleaner, check it out:

Monday, November 19, 2007


*The pressure of maintaining a daily blog for a class project.

As many know, today is the final day of my SF State Internet Marketing class. Our teacher, Susan Barnes, is fantastic and I wanted to acknowledge her. She is really on top of her lesson plans, and she makes us feel like what we are learning is important and how we can apply this knowledge immediately. I’m forever grateful for the information that she has presented and shared.

At first I thought that I would only create and maintain a blog for my class assignment. In the beginning Susan told us that blogs are like plants; they need to be watered and fed, given sunlight, occasionally clipped, and sometimes re-potted. By creating this organism, I kind of feel guilty just letting it die. Many of my family and friends have read it, and have given me feedback. So many people love animals and pictures of animals, it’s an instant pick-me-up when they go there and see a new furry little face. And every time someone tells me they read my blog, it’s an instant pick-me-up for me. Today I saw that Lena had blogged and posted some beautiful pictures from the Holiday Windows. When you see the seeds sprouting you got'ta keep adding food and water.

Only time will tell whether or not this is something that will withstand the test of time. But I am going to try to post regularly, and even try to make some improvements to the page, and make it more unique.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Gladys on Her Throne

This little Peke is too much! Having her own bed in my office is not enough. She wants to be the centerpiece for my conference table.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ibuprofen is for PMS

Rough day. Yesterday right after the opening of Windows, I twisted my ankle walking down some steps. There was a awful pop followed by lightning hot pain and I thought it was broken. Spent the next 3 hours at the UCSF emergency room. Not bad for a Friday afternoon by UC's standards; they were even surprised! Thankfully it's just a nasty sprain. I'm now left to hobble around on crutches for the next week. Obviously I have a hard enough time just walking.

The nurse practitioner did offer up some ibuprofen which I scoffed at. Sorry, 3 hours at the emergency room was plenty long enough. As if in throbbing pain, I'd wait another hour to fill a prescription and pay a $10 co-pay, for an product that I can buy over-the-counter on my way home at RiteAid (the Walgreen's w/alcohol.)

Friday, November 16, 2007

SF/SPCA Holiday Windows Opens at Macy's!

The SF/SPCA 21st Annual Holiday Windows opened today at Macy's Union Square. It's the 11th year that I've been involved and it is my favorite animal event. The amount of work and man hours that's involved is mind boggling. We have over one-thousand volunteer shifts, that will assist us through this six-week event which runs through New Year's Day. Macy's visual team came from all over to assist with the design and production of the windows. We will adopt out approximately 220 cats and 20 dogs at the windows during this period.

One of the pictures is a Macy's team member placing the final touches on the Beach Blanket Babylon Window. The other one is a SF/SPCA orange tabby making good use of the luxurious accommodations. There are several other windows with the themes of: The Painted Ladies, The Nutcracker, Macy's Parade, and The Union Square Christmas Tree.

Steve Young was very generous and performed the unveiling for us, for which I will forever be grateful. We've never had a celebrity of his stature lend his name to this event, and I feel the unveiling got the attention it deserved.

Please shop and support the Windows Sponsor's like, PetFood Express, Wag Hotels, Hush Puppies, Urban Decay (cruelty free), KONG Pet Toys, Nature’s Variety, VPI Petcare Services, Greenies, The San Francisco Examiner, 7x7, and California Home and Design. And please take a moment and tell Macy's Inc, how much you love these windows that find homes for homeless animals. We want to be invited back again and again!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I've Made the Big Time!!!

My favorite blog author, by name. I am so elated that I could just scream. This author is extremely particular and has mentioned few people, by name. Check out this girl's innovative blog. It will take a few postings to get the jargon, i.e. crunchies, grunties, and Butterbutt???, but well worth the investment.

Buffy, I am a disciple.

Oh and BTW, I also had a very brief quote in Sunday's New York Times.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Newsletter Accomplished

The Carrera Region PCA newsletter is completed. Here it is! What I learned is, as much as I love Word; I need to bite the bullet and learn Adobe. BTW, the hubby picked up the 944 today. He says that it's running fab. I guess a Wednesday delivery when it was promised the previous Friday, is right-on-time for Porsche mechanics.

Friday is the opening of Holiday Windows. Don't think I'll be doing any extra curricular activities for the rest of the year. How sad is it when designing a newsletter is something you do in your spare time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Peke Meet

So Gladys had her big day and I think it went well. She was very polite of Mrs. Peke, however she did mount her twice. The first time Mrs. Peke gave off the smallest little grrr, and the second time nothing. But Gladys was very gentle and approached her with respect.

Mrs. Peke’s frist name is Gemma. She is a white Pekinese, probably about 10-years-old. Poor thing had a really tough life until she came to live at The Perfect Home Inn a few months ago. Her former “guardians” lived on and off the street, and Gemma’s medical care in the past had been, sparse. The Inn’s owner had seen Gemma while she was in her first "home," and always felt really sorry for her. When she later learned that Gemma had been surrendered into Muttville rescue, she decided to adopt her. Her coat is in horrible shape, and she has a broken tail, so it just kind of drags behind her like Eeyore. Her eye was damaged from a previous injury and had to be removed recently (she just got her stitches out today.) This is a picture of Gemma shortly after her rescue. Once her eye is healed up and she’s able to get a bath and prettied up I’ll post a new picture. Maybe she can have a chic eye patch or something.

The Inn's owner talked about having Gladys over for Thanksgiving, when all the family can meet her. A very good sign indeed!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Gladys Prepares for Her Interview

Keep your fingers crossed! Gladys Little Miss Muffin-Head, is going to meet the female Peke tomorrow who lives at The Perfect Home Inn. If all goes well, she may be absorbed into the Peke-pack. She's been brushing her hair, and primping around the mirror trying to capture the perfect swag. There's also a new obession, staring at the door to my bunny's room. She's a very cheap date in terms of keeping herself occupied (probably was an only child.)

Today Ireceived an update on KitKat, who is doing wonderful!!! Her new mom says they are soooo in love with her. She also has a new name which I won't divuldge (but here's a hint: it's still within the candy theme!)

This is a picture of my bunny boy, Cadbury whom I've had for about 8 years. This photo was graciously taken by my very talented photographer friend, Jennifer Murray. You can check her out and see more pictures of my dogs Layla (rest-on sweet angel) and Haley.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Holiday Windows Time

This coming Friday begins this year's SF/SPCA Holiday Windows. Macy's Union Square is kindly hosting us again this year on the corner of Stockton and O'Farrell. I can't discolose the exciting theme, so you'll have to check them out when they open on Friday at 11:30 am. We're very honored that Pro Football Hall-of-Famer Steve Young will be doing the unveiling. If you can't make it, the windows will be open during Macy's store hours through New Year's Day. The SF/SPCA will also have a link to two webcams that are being installed in the windows. Here's a video from last year's Windows.

Also, I'm working on a newsletter for my father's Porsche Club Carrera-Region Newsletter. It's amazing how much newsletters can be energy vampires; everything has to be just so (kind'a like blogs?) But at some point it just has to go to bed, or at least I have to. I've modeled it off of The SF/SPCA's Award-Winning magazine, Our Animals. I'll post the newsletter once I've completed it, hopefully on Tuesday.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Cliff @ Infineon

Here's a video captured at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma. My husband is driving his 944 with the camera inside, and his friend Cliff is in the white 911. Cliff gets nervous when someone gets too close, and pulls off the track.

I live a few blocks from Ocean Beach and it's a mess. If you are a beach dweller, please get involved in the beach clean-up that is taking place all over the Bay Area.

In class today, we looked at social networking sites. Our group choose It's a site where people submit stories in one sentence or less. It's hysterical and if you have a chance check it out.

I've felt that my blog is too long, and I've been working to edit it. Here's my attempt at telling today's story in one sentence. Thank God my all day Saturday Internet Marketing Class, fell on a three-day-weekend.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Cat Scratching and Graduations

Very busy day. Worked with Comcast for their On Demand programming, which is quite extensive if haven't yet checked it out. They also have a Bay Area section, with adoptable animals at various shelters. We've been doing the adoptable animals shoots for over a year now, the problem is the lead time for the production is so long that most of the time the animals had already been adopted before the segments are even. We worked with Comcast on a different format and decided that Animal Care Tips would be a great feature for us, with relevant information. For cats we focused on teaching a cat to scratch appropriately, and the benefits of interactive play with your cats. The cats were amazing during the production. We worked in the front condo in our adoption center called "Owley and Mugsy's Manor". The residents today were four black cats and one black and white cat. The natural light was great, and the cats were stars. I set up a cardboard scratching post and cats jumped right onto it and began scratching. They joyfully pranced and played around me, when I was speaking to the camera.

Tonight was also our Academy for Dog Trainer's Graduation ceremony. I had the privilege of speaking, on behalf of the organization. The students come from all the over the country, sometimes the globe, because they want to make a better world for dogs. The program is six weeks long and is fairly intense with regards to the quantity of lectures, project work, class preparations and audits, client counseling and oh yeah teach 3 dogs each 10 new skills. I've seen the impact these trainers have on our shelter dogs. For two weeks each of these dogs that had been given up on by another (most likely because of their behavior) are loved, adored and taught their doggie manners. Before The SF/SPCA made a commitment to a scientific based dog training philosophy, there was no consistency and little training given to staff and volunteers who handled the dogs. Each time a dog met a new person, you could see the dogs a little scared, a little confused. Now when a new volunteer or a staff `walks into the condo, with their bait bag and leash, the dogs are overjoyed and know their going to have a great experience.

I've also seen a transformation occur in the community. Everywhere in the Bay Area, you see people walking their dogs on head collars and anti-pull harnesses. Less and less chokes and prong collars. In thinking about great ideas that spread, I think that humane and positive reinforcement dog training is a terrific example. As we learn more and more about animal behavior, brain chemistry and evolutionary development, well-educated dog trainers have been able apply these theories and practices to dog training with remarkable success (like the introduction of clicker training.) But the most important concept that I've taken from this revolution, is that you don't have to hurt or scare your dog in order to have a polite and respectful animal. Women are constantly being fed that we have to be more assertive and be the alpha dog, otherwise we are somehow failing the dog. Through their excellent education and client counseling skills, these Academy trainers make a better world for dogs, and in doing so I also believe they are making a better world for us people too. `

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Here’s Gladys!

Well the empty space that KitKat left behind lasted, oh about 20 hours. Today I had the great pleasure of bringing Gladys home. She immediately charmed my husband and instinctively knows that the way into this house, is through his heart. Even Haley and Violet didn’t put up too much of a fuss. I guess they’ve figured out by now that it’s futile anyway. Gladys is about two years old and a perfect, perfect Pekinese. I have my eye on the perfect home for her, there’s just one problem. There’s a no vacancy sign at the Perfect Home Inn. The Perfect Home Inn already has two precious little resident Pekes. I took the liberty of introducing Glady’s to the male Peke, and he definitely seemed like if he had a vote, Gladys would be sleeping in his doughnut bed tonight. Maybe he can sweet talk Mommy into letting his girlfriend move in.

This afternoon, KGO Channel 7 news stopped by to do piece about animals affected by the oil spill, and what to do if you find injured or deceased wildlife. The key message is to call the Animal Control facility in your county, and report it. Do not handle the animals as they are likely toxic and may be fractious. Each county municipal animal control is working with the Department of Fish and Game, in order to have a coordinated response to help the animals and wildlife affected by this disaster. Also, keep your dogs off the beach until the oil has completely dissipated (this may be several weeks so find a local park to do your off-leash walks.) McLaren Park has a great reservoir for safe dog swimming. For cats, add this onto the list of reasons to keep your cats indoors. Should they track oil onto their paws, they will very likely ingest it as they attempt to clean their feet.

Let’s hope the officials in charge of clean-up can minimize the impact this is going to have on the Bay, and the all the life it supports.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

2 Dog Night

On the Porsche front, just like the stereotype our 944 is currently in the shop. Now to be fair my Porsches have never left me stranded or failed mechanically, and we bought this car for 1K. The ball-joints on the left side were completely shot, and the right ones were on their way out. We should get it back on “Friday.” I’m somewhat pessimistic about this coming Friday, as there was no date attached when the mechanic said “Friday.” As long as it’s ready for the December 7th. My father is coming from Texas to drive on the Laguna-Seca raceway. I certainly wouldn’t want him to do it in our Lexus; I can only afford one car in the shop at a time. Here’s a picture of me at Laguna-Seca on Valentine’s Day, in my 928S4.

KitKat’s gone to her new home. She was picked up before I came home from work, so there wasn’t a tearful goodbye. I think it’s important to point out that KitKat is her pseudo-name. Not only do I really not like her previous name, I don’t want her former “guardians” to find her. I called her KitKat because after all, she is a chocolate covered wafer. Maybe her new parents will decide to call her Kate Moss (they don’t seem too keen on her given name either.) Anyway, I’m a little sad of course. Violet is elated! She’s so happy and is letting us know how happy she is to be the center of the universe again. That’s OK, we trimmed her nails this evening. At least now I don’t hear her joyfully clicking around the house.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Last Night

So tonight is our last night with KitKat. It’s a very complex thing, fostering animals. You bring them into your home, not knowing what their final outcome will be. And you give them all the love and adornment, like they were yours, and then you give them to someone else. KitKat is a unique exception, because I know where she is going. Anne and Peter have been taking her for nightly walks to the beach and up to their house. It’s so great that she is already familiar with her new home and family. I wonder what it must be like for the lucky dogs that are relinquished. And by the lucky ones I mean the ones that find their way to a new home. The first sights and sounds must be very interesting and no doubt ably a little bit scary. Dogs are quite resilient creatures when I think about it. And as much as I’ve bonded with her in the past two weeks, I know that she will do the same for her new family.

Here’s a list that I’m preparing for her new parents tomorrow, when they take her home.

· Feeding Instructions:
· Feed 2 cups of food 4-5 times a day. She is a ravenous eater, so either feed her in a kong, or you can place a ceramic mug upside down in her food bowl. This will slow down her pace of eating. There is also a special bowl that you can buy called a “brake-fast” bowl.
· (I usually do 1 ½ cups of the puppy dry and ½ cup of the Science Diet ID.) She should stay on the puppy food for now, and speak to the vet on her next visit about her diet in the future.

· Toys: She has started playing “tug” with some stuffed animals. Tug is a great interactive game, and was my black lab Layla’s favorite game in the world. There are two rules to tug. 1) If teeth touches skin, game is over. Don’t make a big deal, just say “too bad” and put the tug toy away. 2) Is important, but you can decide how strict to be: They can only have the tug when you give them a cue, like “Get the tug!” I’d make her sit for it, and when she sits then let her get it. This helps to teach impulse control.

· Sleep: She’s been sleeping in her crate. I put a nightcap kong for her in the crate at around 10 pm, and she gets let out at 6 pm. I think she could do fine not sleeping in the crate, but she did seem comfortable in it. Crate training is great, because she will always have a space that she feels comfortable in. In the event of a disaster, crate trained animals fair far better than those that are in an new environment, and traumatized because they’ve never been crate trained.

· Housetraining: She goes out around every two hours. She does not always use the restroom, I just wanted to set up good habits. If you take her out, and doesn’t relieve herself and you know that she probably should, I would confine her when she comes back in. Try again in a half an hour. If she relieves herself she can have some freedom for a few hours again. The key with housetraining is consistency and high praise when they do it in the right place. She had a few mishaps here, but hasn’t had an accident in over a week. If she does relieve herself inappropriately, interrupt her if you catch her in the act. If you don’t catch her there’s nothing you can do other than clean it up and try for next time. Timing is very critical in animal behavior and training.

· Love: She is an extremely affectionate dog, and loves to cuddle and give hugs. She may pace initially when you bring her home. I would stay in a small area with her and let her settle. She did this for the first few days whenever we took her to new area of the house. Within a few days, she was very relaxed. She is a very clumsy dog and will frequently trip over her feet because she’s so excited. She also has an extremely deep capacity for showing her affection. She’s only been with me for 10 days and already I’m in love. I can imagine how closely she will bond with you, with your gentle and nurturing spirits.

· The SF/SPCA has great dog behavior and training information. There's a general list, and I've also added relevant links on the subject.
· Thank you so much for giving such a wonderful home, to such a deserving spirit.

Monday, November 5, 2007

*KitKat The Foster Dog

KitKat has found a great home! After just a week of being at our house, she was spotted by one of our neighbors, on one of their daily beach walks. Anne and Peter have recently lost their curly-coated retriever named "Augusta." My husband and I have lived in our neighborhood for 7 years, and we became to know Peter and Anne through their dog. Augusta was an angel, and always stopped to sniff in our yard on her walk down to Ocean Beach. About a year ago, Augusta developed cancer. I was always struck by the manner that they cared for her, during her time of great need. They began to cook her dog food, and were so gentle with her it made my heart soar to know there were people like this out there.

About a month ago, I saw the both of them without Augusta. I knew the answer before I asked the question. They let me know that she had passed and they were just trying to get through day by day. I felt like a piece of me was also gone. The next day was September 25th and unexpectedly, my husband and I had to euthanize our 11-year-old black lab, Skye. He had developed a terminal cancer, and was internally hemorrhaging.

When you lose a dog, the grief is hard enough. When you have another dog left behind, it is compounded. You watch their grief and can do little to ease their loss, other than many happy walks to the beach and as many treats as her stomach could handle. The family decided to foster again, to pick up all of our spirits.

Last Friday, I brought KitKat home. A lovely female chocolate lab, who came to our shelter just a few days before with her 5 puppies and their father, a black lab. KitKat's owners were in the middle of losing their house in foreclosure. They did not have the money to feed her, so they fed her every other day. When I brought her home she only weighed 35 lbs (she should be at least 55.)

The following Wednesday, Anne and Peter saw KitKat on their nightly journey to the shore. Anne was immediately struck by KitKat. The next day she called me at work and told me she wanted to adopt KitKat. Since they run the election from their house, they asked if they could take her after Tuesday's election. So Wednesday, she's going to her new home forever. Thank you Anne and Peter!

Here's a picture of Anne with Augusta. Anne is an exceptionally talented artist, please visit her website:

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent!!!