Saturday, November 10, 2007

Cliff @ Infineon

Here's a video captured at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma. My husband is driving his 944 with the camera inside, and his friend Cliff is in the white 911. Cliff gets nervous when someone gets too close, and pulls off the track.

I live a few blocks from Ocean Beach and it's a mess. If you are a beach dweller, please get involved in the beach clean-up that is taking place all over the Bay Area.

In class today, we looked at social networking sites. Our group choose It's a site where people submit stories in one sentence or less. It's hysterical and if you have a chance check it out.

I've felt that my blog is too long, and I've been working to edit it. Here's my attempt at telling today's story in one sentence. Thank God my all day Saturday Internet Marketing Class, fell on a three-day-weekend.

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