Thursday, November 8, 2007

Here’s Gladys!

Well the empty space that KitKat left behind lasted, oh about 20 hours. Today I had the great pleasure of bringing Gladys home. She immediately charmed my husband and instinctively knows that the way into this house, is through his heart. Even Haley and Violet didn’t put up too much of a fuss. I guess they’ve figured out by now that it’s futile anyway. Gladys is about two years old and a perfect, perfect Pekinese. I have my eye on the perfect home for her, there’s just one problem. There’s a no vacancy sign at the Perfect Home Inn. The Perfect Home Inn already has two precious little resident Pekes. I took the liberty of introducing Glady’s to the male Peke, and he definitely seemed like if he had a vote, Gladys would be sleeping in his doughnut bed tonight. Maybe he can sweet talk Mommy into letting his girlfriend move in.

This afternoon, KGO Channel 7 news stopped by to do piece about animals affected by the oil spill, and what to do if you find injured or deceased wildlife. The key message is to call the Animal Control facility in your county, and report it. Do not handle the animals as they are likely toxic and may be fractious. Each county municipal animal control is working with the Department of Fish and Game, in order to have a coordinated response to help the animals and wildlife affected by this disaster. Also, keep your dogs off the beach until the oil has completely dissipated (this may be several weeks so find a local park to do your off-leash walks.) McLaren Park has a great reservoir for safe dog swimming. For cats, add this onto the list of reasons to keep your cats indoors. Should they track oil onto their paws, they will very likely ingest it as they attempt to clean their feet.

Let’s hope the officials in charge of clean-up can minimize the impact this is going to have on the Bay, and the all the life it supports.

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