Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ibuprofen is for PMS

Rough day. Yesterday right after the opening of Windows, I twisted my ankle walking down some steps. There was a awful pop followed by lightning hot pain and I thought it was broken. Spent the next 3 hours at the UCSF emergency room. Not bad for a Friday afternoon by UC's standards; they were even surprised! Thankfully it's just a nasty sprain. I'm now left to hobble around on crutches for the next week. Obviously I have a hard enough time just walking.

The nurse practitioner did offer up some ibuprofen which I scoffed at. Sorry, 3 hours at the emergency room was plenty long enough. As if in throbbing pain, I'd wait another hour to fill a prescription and pay a $10 co-pay, for an product that I can buy over-the-counter on my way home at RiteAid (the Walgreen's w/alcohol.)

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