Sunday, November 25, 2007

$8 Goes a Long Way

kiska cayman, originally uploaded by kiskaicard.

Yesterday we went to the San Francisco International Auto Show. Although I'm not in the market, I always enjoy seeing the new vehicles. If you are thinking of buying a new car, spend the entry fee and go to a car show. In SF the auto show runs through December 2nd. You'll have the opportunity to see and feel every new make and model, with zero sales pressure.

Porsche had a nice presence this year, and had many vehicles for people to sit in, versus previous years. This is a picture of me, sitting in a Cayman wearing the Carrera-Region PCA denim shirt my father gave me. I've posted some additional pictures of the Porsche's, and their new "Hybrid Drive System and engine, along with some non-Porsche car pics.

Gladys apparently has been just a dream and is going to stay at the Inn for the rest of the weekend. She's been getting along well with the other resident Pekes, and the Inn Keeper is already thinking of either Eva or Flora for her new name. The best sign of all that this is not just a visit.

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