Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Peke Meet

So Gladys had her big day and I think it went well. She was very polite of Mrs. Peke, however she did mount her twice. The first time Mrs. Peke gave off the smallest little grrr, and the second time nothing. But Gladys was very gentle and approached her with respect.

Mrs. Peke’s frist name is Gemma. She is a white Pekinese, probably about 10-years-old. Poor thing had a really tough life until she came to live at The Perfect Home Inn a few months ago. Her former “guardians” lived on and off the street, and Gemma’s medical care in the past had been, sparse. The Inn’s owner had seen Gemma while she was in her first "home," and always felt really sorry for her. When she later learned that Gemma had been surrendered into Muttville rescue, she decided to adopt her. Her coat is in horrible shape, and she has a broken tail, so it just kind of drags behind her like Eeyore. Her eye was damaged from a previous injury and had to be removed recently (she just got her stitches out today.) This is a picture of Gemma shortly after her rescue. Once her eye is healed up and she’s able to get a bath and prettied up I’ll post a new picture. Maybe she can have a chic eye patch or something.

The Inn's owner talked about having Gladys over for Thanksgiving, when all the family can meet her. A very good sign indeed!

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