Monday, November 19, 2007


*The pressure of maintaining a daily blog for a class project.

As many know, today is the final day of my SF State Internet Marketing class. Our teacher, Susan Barnes, is fantastic and I wanted to acknowledge her. She is really on top of her lesson plans, and she makes us feel like what we are learning is important and how we can apply this knowledge immediately. I’m forever grateful for the information that she has presented and shared.

At first I thought that I would only create and maintain a blog for my class assignment. In the beginning Susan told us that blogs are like plants; they need to be watered and fed, given sunlight, occasionally clipped, and sometimes re-potted. By creating this organism, I kind of feel guilty just letting it die. Many of my family and friends have read it, and have given me feedback. So many people love animals and pictures of animals, it’s an instant pick-me-up when they go there and see a new furry little face. And every time someone tells me they read my blog, it’s an instant pick-me-up for me. Today I saw that Lena had blogged and posted some beautiful pictures from the Holiday Windows. When you see the seeds sprouting you got'ta keep adding food and water.

Only time will tell whether or not this is something that will withstand the test of time. But I am going to try to post regularly, and even try to make some improvements to the page, and make it more unique.

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